2022/11/05 21:07
For Overseas Buyers
Thank you for visiting our store.
We are pleased to inform you that we have become a Top rated seller on ebay since October.
We would like to thank all of you for helping us to achieve the Top Rated Seller rule after a year of review by ebay. Thank you very much.
We will continue to make it our basic policy to send quality products safely and quickly from Japan to overseas.
We hope you will use our store again next time.
Best regards in the future
この度、ebayでトップランクセラーの称号である「Top Rated Seller」になりました事ご報告申し上げます。
後に続くJapan Sellerのお手本となるよう、気を引き締めてebayでSeller活動する所存でございます。